Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopy in Aurangabad (Key Hole Surgery Treatment)

Laparoscopic surgery in Aurangabad, also called as Key Hole surgery Treatment or Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS) is a minimally invasive procedure. Joshi Hospital has redefined the treatment of infertility and gynaecological disorders and revolutionized endoscopic surgery with its wide-range of potential benefits. Joshi Hospital is known for performing even the most complex of Laparoscopic gynaecological surgeries with great precision and maneuverability. This hospital provides the best Key Hole Surgery Treatment or Laparoscopy in Aurangabad.

Laparoscopic Surgery in Aurangabad

Joshi Hospital is a leading provider in Laparoscopic Surgery in Aurangabad. Under Laparoscopic surgery in Aurangabad at Joshi Hospital, an operation can be done without having to make a large incision unlike a conventional or ‘open’ surgery. The laparoscope, a long, thin tube with a high-intensity light and a high-resolution camera at the front is later inserted through an incision in the abdominal wall. As the Laparoscope moves along, the camera relays images to a video monitor. This in turn allows the surgeon to see inside the body in real time and perform the needed surgery with ease.

Laparoscopic Surgery in Aurangabad or Key Hole Surgery Treatment at Joshi Hospital is used for performing surgery for medical cases like fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cystectomy, ectopic pregnancy, hysterectomy, confirmation of tubal patency. Additionally, it is also used for inguinal hernia, appendicitis, ventral hernia, gallbladder removal, gastroesophageal, adrenal mass, reflux and most other conventional operations.

The main advantage of Laparoscopic Surgery or Key Hole Surgery Treatment is that it ensures quicker recovery and facilitates early discharge from the hospital. In addition, it is also less painful and ensures lesser adhesions (scar tissue) in the belly, which otherwise can cause problems in the future like blockage.

Joshi Hospital has the requisite preoperative, operative and postoperative support and care for ensuring the best of Laparoscopic surgery in Aurangabad. Apart from this, the laparoscopic surgeons are skillful and can handle even the most advanced laparoscopic surgical techniques while providing the highest level of quality care for laparoscopic surgery in Aurangabad.

Laparoscopy in Infertility & Gynaecology:

Diagnostic Laparoscopy

In the evaluation of infertility, Laparoscopy in Aurangabad or Key Hole Surgery Treatment is the gold standard in the determination of fallopian tubes status and the presence of medical problems in the pelvis, which might inhibit ovulation (release of egg), oocyte (egg) transport and fertilization.

The tubal patency is assessed by the instillation of dye through the cervical canal and visualization of the dye entering the pelvic cavity from the fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy also allows the assessment of peritoneal surfaces (looking for endometriosis), tubo-ovarian architecture and the external assessment of the uterus. Laparoscopy can also be used to assess pelvic masses or other adnexal pathology including the rare cases of reproductive tract anomalies.

Operative Procedures (Therapeutic laparoscopy)

Ectopic Pregnancy

Approaches include salpingectomy (removal of affected tube with ectopic pregnancy) or salpingostomy (removal of ectopic pregnancy by cutting open the affected tube. The common approach of Therapeutic laparoscopy in Aurangabad is to do a salpingectomy. The more conservative approach of a salpingostomy, which involves an incision of the tube and removal of the ectopic, has been shown to maintain tubal patency.


Laparoscopy in Aurangabad has been employed for both diagnosis and treatment. The surgical treatment ranges from diathermic cautery to the specific peritoneal deposits through to radical excision of the peritoneum with the endometriotic areas. Surgery has been shown to improve fertility in mild and moderate endometriosis.

Tubal Disease

A significant advance with tubal disease laparoscopy in Aurangabad area has been the ability to treat severe adhesions, hydro salpinx and other tubal pathology.


Myomas (fibroids) can be located on stalks on the outer surface of the uterus (pedunculated), under the peritoneal surface on the outside of the uterus (sub serosal), within the uterine wall (intramural) and internally underlying the endometrium (submucosal). The last can also form polyps in the uterine cavity. The first three types can be easily removed by laparoscopy, thus increasing the chances of pregnancy.

Laparoscopically assisted hysterectomy

This approach of Key Hole Surgery Treatment or Laparoscopy in Aurangabad has vastly shortened recovery time, which has implications to the health and lifestyle of the patient and the costs to the health care system. A clinical advantage of laparoscopic procedures over the vaginal approach is that one can easily access the ovaries if an oophorectomy is planned with the hysterectomy.

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